Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Nina is on her way home now and it was amazing having her here for 2 nights. I have missed her soo much its great when you haven't hung out without someone in so long and then when you do its like nothing at all has changed. Yesterday we went op-shoping and i bought alot of stuff new glasses and a new hat a necklace some earings 5 new dresses 2 pairs of shorts a leotard and 3 pairs of shoes for less then 70 bucks. Amazing. I have started to noticed that I am attracting a much younger breed of male these days. Weird because i was always the one to chase after the older guys. hmm. Melbourne in 2 days! YAY! get to see all my lovely friends and Morgan and Amy :) YESS + Going to spend a few days in ballarat with coco and figure out our situation and our friendship hopefully it will all be smooth sailing. I'm excited to see Brae Izzy and Ming :)